
This field trip is an opportunity for you to observe and study living! streams.

Before jumping out from the bus let’s review some rules and safety issues.

To be a good observer:

  • You must be quiet and observant. Look and listen, record your observations, think before asking questions.
  • Pay attention to what you’re looking at. Does it move? Does it have legs? How does it move?
  • You should not disturb the environment. You have to become part of the background. To become part of the background you have to sit really still. (leave only foot prints, take only memories!)
  • Treat all living creatures with patience and respect. Be quiet and sensitive when working with living things!
  • If you are drawing from a model you have to concentrate and observe. You can’t draw the model without observing it.
  • To be a good observer in both art and science means not to disturb the environment and pay
  • careful attention to detail. In art, you draw what you see. In science you write about what you see.
  • Get every detail that you can on to the paper, in your writing, your drawing... or in your head.

(Homewood Montessori 6th grade students, Fall 1998)

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Observe carefully the different sections of the stream. (or different streams if your lucky!)

Write the name of the stream
How wide is it? (Use a tape measure)
How deep is it? (Use a stick to find out)
Is it moving fast? Is a lot of water in the stream?
Is it muddy or clear?
Are there trees or bushes around it?
Are the banks eroded?
Do you see any algae?
Are there signs that tell us humans affect the stream?
Are there any signs telling us animals are using the stream?

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