Water Testing

Today you will see the stream tested for three different factors; temperature, pH, and Dissolved Oxygen (D.O.). As you perform the various tests, record your information in the data.

Temperature: You will see the digital temperature instrument. Record the temperature of the water.

Stream point 1______________

Stream point 2______________

Stream point 3______________

PH: pH stands for the power of hydrogen. It is a measure of acidity and basicity. Those things that are acidic have a pH of less than seven. pH range from p 0 to pH 14.

Stream point 1______________

Stream point 2______________

Stream point 3______________

Dissolved oxygen: Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen that is dissolved in the water. This is essential to the life of organisms which live in the water.

Stream point 1______________

Stream point 2______________

Stream point 3______________


page 7

Camouflage in Nature

up 5-8 natural objects in and around the stream. Try to collect different colored ones. (Remember we are visiting other creatures’ homes! Do not pick any live plants or animals. ) Look carefully at each object. How many shades of colors do you recognize? Use three primary colors of water color pigments to imitate from each natural object.




page 8


Draw Benthic Organisms

Draw detailed benthic organisms you observed from the stream. Use a magnifying glass to look at carefully. How many legs does it have? Does it have legs? How does it move? Which colors does it have? Draw the environment where you have found them.






page 9