Site 1: Gallery

In this case the Hewlett Gallery is the non-site; the beginning of everything. The space functions as an introduction and a source of infomation. In my memory I can see the gallery director Petra's face. She is smiling and suggesting all kinds of possibilites for the gallery. Changing the gallery space has been done by numerous artists; but I would like to use the opportunity a little differently. If I eliminated the gallery, nothing would be left. After talking to Petra, I questioned myself: why would I like to have a show at the Hewlett? What are the distinguishing features of the space; what kind of people go there; and how could I lead the audience outside the gallery? There are four elements in the gallery: --a bookcase structure with many glass containers of slag which I brought from the Nine Mile Run site. If you look closely, you will see moss growing on the surface of the slag . --a computer with the web page for the Studio for Creative Inquiry project "Nine Mile Run" and the history and current development by the Brownfield project team. --a small booklet about Nine Mile Run summer plants on the receptionists desk. --photographs and handouts showing where to go next.

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site 2
site 3