(fast moving side swimmers, the scud indicates better water quality than the previous species on the opposite page)

FIG. 1 - Structure of Amphipoda. A, male Pontoporeia affinis (Lindstrom), x9; B, basal portion of first antenna of male P. affinis ; C, anterior end of female P. affinis; D, first antenna of female Hylalella azteca (Saussure); E, third uropod of H. azteca. a2 , second abdominal segment; a6, sixth abdominal segment; cp, coxal plate; p3, third pereiopod; pl, third pleopod; t, telson; u1, first uropod. (A to C modified from Segerstrale; D, redrawn from Geisler; E redrawn from Weckel, 1907.)


(another good indication of water quality)

FIG. 2 - Structure of a typical crayfish. a, acumen; ar, areola; c, cervical groove; h, hand; mf, movable finger of chela; p3, third leg (pereiopod); p5, fifth leg (pereiopod); pr, postorbital ridge; r, rostrum; t, telson; u, uropod (Modified from Hobbs, 1942a.)

Fig. from Pennak Robertt, Fresh - Water Invertebrates of the U.S.